Monday's Food for Thought

Monday’s Food for Thought: The Power of Being Vulnerable

This insightful TED talk, recently shared by my friend Kat, presents us with MUCH food for thought on this lovely Monday morning.  If you have 20 minutes over your lunch break, or while someone is napping, I highly recommend you check it out.  For some of you what Dr. Brene Brown shares is like second nature to you already.  For some of you, it might be something you are learning to do and you can relate to the hardship mentioned…and for some of you it might be a completely foreign concept.  As a graduate wife, I have realized just how truly powerful the act of being ‘vulnerable’ is and how, in my opinion, I don’t think we can survive without it.  I hope the below talk really leaves you with much stirring in your heart, as it did for me.  Lots to chew on…

-Does true courage mean admitting we are imperfect?

-The actual meaning of courage is to share one’s heart.

-Is being truly vulnerable beautiful?

-When we try to numb emotions and run from being vulnerable, do we numb true joy, love, peace as well?
